How an FBA Prep Center Makes Your Life Easier
How an FBA Prep Center Makes Your Life Easier
As a seller, Amazon provides you with a wide range of options for reaching an entire world of buyers. However, working with Amazon’s fulfillment system can be difficult. On one hand, you’re stuck with missing all of the consumers who want to only buy items with which they can get free shipping from Amazon.
On the other, you’re stuck with dealing with Amazon fulfillment. Fortunately, there’s an easier way to sell through Amazon without having to figure out the fulfillment system on your own: using an FBA Prep Center.
How Does FBA works?
Let’s start by talking about how Fulfilled by Amazon works. A customer sees your product, orders it and it’s pulled in one of Amazon’s Fulfillment Centers. Simple, right? Not really. Before the customer can order your product and have it shipped to them through FBA services, it has to be prepped to meet Amazon’s exacting requirements. But what are these requirements? They differ based on the category of the item.
To cover at least the basics, your product must be labeled with an FNSKU – not just the type of product, such as a smartphone case, but each different and unique design. You’ll need different FNSKU labels for each color or design that you produce. The products also need to have a scannable barcode.
Items that are not packaged securely will need to be placed in a clear plastic bag. If your items have multiple pieces, such as handles and cabinets for vanity, those items need to be packaged together before they’re sent to the fulfillment center. Items that are sold as a set must be marked as such so that they are not accidentally separated when being picked for orders in the fulfillment center. After this is done, the products must be sent to the fulfillment center and the inventory quantity updated in the Seller Central database. This doesn’t include issues faced with liquids, footwear, and similar specialty items. Fortunately, there’s an easier way. There are a number of companies that have been established to help remove this problematic process from the hands of business owners while speeding up the process of getting your products into the fulfillment centers and ready for sale. Because these companies only deal with packaging items for fulfillment by Amazon, they know exactly what to do, have the right equipment to get the job done, and can process your products for a minimal expense, saving you time, effort and money.
By taking the time to get set up with a quality FBA Prep Center, you can get your products listed on Amazon without the hassle of figuring out the entire system in the process. My FBA Prep provides you with contract-free transparent pricing, Preptopia tracking technology, a very short turnaround time, and flawless white-glove customer support. Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Why not contact us today to find out what your options are